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Auto Insurance

Auto insurance may seem like an unnecessary expense to some people, but that is far from true. Insuring yourself and your vehicle from financial disaster is critical to responsible car ownership. Moreover, properly insuring your car is the law in many places, including Illinois.

What is Auto Insurance?

Car insurance comes in various forms from numerous companies. Basically, you select the coverage you want to form your policy, weighing cost, mandatory requirements and desired financial protection. You pay a regular premium and, in turn, the insurance company agrees to help pay for covered claims per policy details.

What does it cover?

A car insurance policy can vary depending on the chosen coverage and limits. Typically, drivers can include the following options in a policy, among others:

  • Liability coverage: Pays for injury and damage you cause to third parties with your vehicle. This type of coverage is generally required in Illinois.
  • Physical damage coverage: Helps pay for damage to your car from collisions, as well as non-collision events, depending on chosen options.
  • Uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist coverage: Two distinct offerings may help pay for damage caused by another driver who lacks sufficient insurance, it can also help cover hit-and-run incidents.

What Auto Insurance is required?aerial photography of concrete road

Each driver’s insurance needs are unique, so deciding on necessary coverage may come down to personal circumstances. Illinois typically requires specific liability insurance, as well as UM/UIM coverage, but you may need more than mandatory insurance.

Consider the following factors:

  • Car value: If you want to repair your car after an accident, physical damage coverage is essential to help avoid steep out-of-pocket costs.
  • Lease or loan agreements: If you have a loan or lease, your lender likely stipulates certain levels of auto insurance.
  • Risk tolerance: Minimum coverage levels are often insufficient to fully cover a driver’s liability, meaning it can pay to increase your limits.

How can I get Car Insurance?

ViVa Insurance Services is here to help assess your unique circumstances and find you the right auto insurance. Request a free instant quote today.

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